Three High Rise Pre-Builds You Should Consider

My brokerage has received platinum access to around ONE HUNDRED new pre-construction launches in 2023 ALONE.

To help make sense of all these new launches, our Broker Owner and VP of Pre-construction narrowed down his top 3 picks when in comes to high rise launches. Whether it’s location, price, or both, these are the top picks for investors and/or buyers.

Now if you’ve been following me for some time, you know I’m not the biggest fan of pre-con condos. Builders are pricing them at prices we will see in 5-7 years from now, so buying and then selling at closing won’t net you much.


There are two types of people I think pre-construction condos still make sense for;

1) A first time buyer who needs an extended deposit structure spread out over 2 years, or

2) An newer investor who is in it for the long run who may not have all the capital to put towards the down payment today, and wants a low maintenance investment property.

As always, send me a DM, text or email if you’d like more information

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